step by step medicare guidance through all medicare marketing compliance

medigaplife adheres to reflect cms guidelines

At Medigap Life, we operate 100% within these guidelines so our agents can focus on what they are good at, and not worry about all the legal mumbo jumbo.

a few top carriers we represent

medicare marketing compliance

The Marketing guidelines we adhere to reflect CMS' interpretation of the marketing requirements and related provisions of the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit rules (Chapter 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 422 and 423).

TrustedForm certificates provide unbiased third- party documentation of consent. This proof of consent can protect you in the event of litigation while giving you new confidence that your leads have actually asked you to contact them.

Respect your consumer’s privacy and protect your business. Know that your consumer provided TCPA consent before you call or text, and know you can show proof of consent in the event of a complaint.

TCPA Compliance tools such as Jornaya and TrustedForm, as well as Call Scrubbing tools such as The Blacklist Alliance and Contact Center Compliance are essential to be Medicare marketing compliant in 2022.